
Retina-Tonic Retina-Tonic
  • Poster one

This poster is a mixture of analog and digital technology. The poster is composed of a white background and black, textured text, while multicolored bubbles of various sizes traverse through the screen from bottom to top in different depths, similar to bubbles in a soft drink. The texture of the bubbles as well as of the text are made out of analog images.

As the viewer moves closer or further away, he or she influences the speed and the number of bubbles. If the viewer comes close enough, the text will be almost completely covered by bubbles. The texts change almost imperceptibly when hidden by the bubbles.

  • Poster two

This poster is composed of black and white lines, a minimalist poster which is constantly in motion. Because of that, the text can be hard to decipher, the viewer is thus invited to move in order to slow down and adjust the speed and tilt of the lines therefore making the message easier to read.

The interaction create by the viewer with the poster is similar to a "moiré" effect. As the viewer moves from left to right, he or she influences the inclination of the lines. If the viewer moves closer or further away, the line move up and down.

Retina-Tonic Retina-Tonic
  • Edition

This edition, separated into several sections, brings together a large part of visuals created during this course. Each section, A to M is built in the same way. 4 double page that introduces the new section. 6 double page composed of different visuals and the information about them. 10 double page of a poster sequence.

The posters are arranged alternately and some letters or part of words (forming: Poster, Retina-Tonic, Interaction) are scattered among the different visuals. An index at the beginning of the book allows you to have a general view of the edition and to look for a precise visual.

Retina-Tonic Retina-Tonic
  • Research

In order to have several graphic resources to create a poster, we first collected different visuals thanks to some exercises. For example filling an A11 format grid, scan them and then enlarge them in A4 formats.

It is with this material that I created the multicolored bubbles of the first poster. It also allowed me to discover new visuals, textures and explore various techniques or materials.

  • Creation

Interaction and Retina-Tonic being my subject, I decided to make a flashy and energetic poster. I also wanted to incorporate a visual challenge as an optical effect that would disrupt and stimulate the visitor. Finally, to avoid a visual overload and an interaction too complex or not very instinctive I decided to divide my idea and to create two different posters.
